Quote system for drug store






I started to get a freelance job from the internet. This one is the first project I got from AtlanticSoft at GAF which I bid really low price, $50, because I wanted to win the first project so bad. I believe this my work worth more than $200.

The project is about create the function of quote system for drug store, zencart system. Customer can fill the form from that prescription, then the store will give the price.

The website and all logo will be removed because the project owner ask not to reveal, but please refer to GAF project.

See the screenshot below. The actual site is different than below images a little bit.

This is the quote form with 5 sets of product form.

This screen is admin panel for quote system.

How the system work:
1. The quote system will allow customer to quote the product that not available in store to the quote system. Customer need to login first.

2. After finish the quote form, system will send email to notify store admin and confirm the quote to customer then the page will redirect to in customer account information.

3. After store admin review the quote and enter the price, they can approve, decline the quote.

If the status change to “Approved”, customer will be notified, customer will be able to see an “add to cart” button in their quote history info so they can push the quote to their cart and buy the product.

This system contains full language support, template override of zencart system standard.

There are Admin panel module, quote classes, quote module, quote history module, quote history info module, quote to cart module.

If you are interesting in quote system or any custom system for zencart, please give me the detail and we can talk more.

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